Calendar of Events
White Blossom Care Center has a vibrant atmosphere with dynamic, individualized activities that match the capabilities and needs of residents and their guests. We also have active resident and family councils and volunteer programs. Scheduled activities include music, fitness activities, religious meetings, outside entertainment, games, gardening, field trips/outings, and volunteer involvement. If you would like to arrange something special or have suggestions and ideas for individual or group activities, please inform our activities director. We welcome and encourage involvement from family and friends.
Get in touch
Front Desk Phone
(408) 998-8447
Office Hours
Monday – Friday: 8 am – 6 pm
Weekends: 10 am – 6 pm
24/7 Admission Support
Tel: (408) 998-8447
Fax: (408) 938-4466
Street Address
1990 Fruitdale Ave
San Jose, CA 95128
Directions & Map